Department of Practical Music and Sound

The Department of Applied Music & Sound has five integral parts.
Applied Music Performance, Applied Music Composi-ton/Arranging, Sound Arts, Arts Management and Music Therapy. Our educational goal is to foster new talented professional performers of the Cultural Content Industry in applied performing arts and sound arts Who will contribute to the cultural enrichment of today's society. Our department has a well-balanced educational system of theory and practice designed for multi-talented players of various music production majors that the 21st century society needs. We have a promotional plans of'educational-in-dustrial' cooperation of the Cultural Content Industry as well as an effective curriculum and superb faculty members who have hands-on experiences in their respective fields. Therefore, the students in our department benefit from this ideal academic atmosphere and are well-placed to become experts in the Music Production fields.The Department of Applied Music & Sound will not only follow the 21st century's multimedia trends but also contribute to nurturing new professionals who will be at the forefront of the international competitiveness in the fields of applied music performance and sound arts.
Educational Objectives
Music is becoming increasingly influential in today's cultural industry that is surrounded by a fast developing and nigh-tech digital atmosphere. The Department of Applied Music & Sound has the best faculty members for the 'Applied Music Performance' fields (Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums and Jazz Piano) and the 'Music Content Production' fields (Ap-plied Music Composition and Arranging, Sound Arts) as well as Arts Management and Music Therapy for the talented young professionals who are both creative and highly-skilled performers.Our department has the high-tech equipments and state-of-the-art facilities ready to educate students with superb performing skills, creativity and business mind. We are proud to have students participating in the promotion plans of 'educational-industrial cooperation of the Cultural Industry,superb performing skills, creativity and business mind. We are proud to have students participating in the promotion plans of educational-industrial cooperation of the Cultural Industry.'