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| 2019 TRB Annual Meeting: Feature Your Organization at the Careers
in Motion Networking Fair |
|  | TRB's
second annual Careers in Motion Networking Fair takes place on January 13, 2019
from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, during
the 2019 TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. The event provides
an opportunity for prospective employers from a wide range of sectors and modes
to meet with transportation... |
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| International Conference on Demand Responsive and Innovative
Transportation Services - Submit Abstracts by October 15, 2018 |
|  | TRB
is sponsoring the International Conference on Demand Responsive and Innovative
Transportation Services on April 15-17, 2019, in Baltimore, Maryland. The
conference will provide a chance to exchange knowledge with international
operators; learn from suppliers and academics about advances in information
technology, vehicles, and equipment;... |
| |
| Get Involved: Apply to Become an ACRP Ambassador by November 2,
2018 |
|  | TRB’s
Airport Cooperative Research Program invites experienced airport industry
professionals to become ACRP Ambassadors. Apply by November 2, 2018, to be considered
for next year’s cohort. The ACRP Ambassador program provides experienced airport
industry professionals with a prestigious opportunity to represent the ACRP
program as a volunteer. ... |
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| 2018-2018 ACRP University Design Competition for Addressing
Airport Needs |
|  | TRB's
Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) is sponsoring a national competition
for U.S.-based undergraduate and/or graduate students to design innovative
solutions that address airport issues and constraints to enhance the management,
safety, capacity and efficiency of the nation’s airports. Winning design
proposals receive cash awards,... |
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| Top Ten Research Needs for for Automated Vehicles & Shared
Mobility |
|  | The
National Academies/TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles & Shared
Mobility has released a presentation summarizing the top ten research needs for
automated vehicles and shared mobility. These research needs are ranked in order of most concern to the Forum's
participants. The Forum will explore these topics by collecting and...
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| TRB Webinar: Establishing a Coordinated Local Family Assistance
Program for Airports |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, September 26, 2018, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
ET that features research from the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP)’s Research Report 171: Establishing a Coordinated Local Family
Assistance Program for Airports. The research provides guidance to airport
personnel when assisting victims and... |
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| TRB Webinar: Practices in Rural Regional Mobility: Case Studies
and Lessons Learned |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Thursday, September 27, 2018, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
ET that features research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)’s Research Report 861: Best Practices in Rural Regional
Mobility. The research explores the role of state transit program policies and
regional planning agencies in the... |
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| TRB Webinar: Federal Environmental Case Law Update on
Transportation Matters |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, October 10, 2018, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
ET that provides an update of case law as it relates to environmental review of
transportation projects. The webinar will focus on recent case law in the areas
of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 4(f) of the Department
of Transportation Act, and ... |
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| TRB Webinar: Understanding the Challenges of Airport Drinking
Water Quality Events |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Thursday, October 11, 2018, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET
that features research from the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP)’s Synthesis 88: Airport Community, Water Quality Events, and the
Aircraft Drinking Water Rule. The synthesis explores how airports, airlines,
ground service providers, and ice and food ...
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| TRB Webinar: Successful Mobility Management Practices in Small
Urban and Rural Areas |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Monday, October 15, 2018, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET
that features research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)’s Project 20-65 Task 68: Expanding Access to Our Communities: A
Guide to Successful Mobility Management Practices in Small Urban and Rural
Areas. This webinar will highlight a ... |
| |
| RFP: Update to AASHTO M 180-18 and Associated Highway Guardrail
Specifications |
|  | TRB's
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released a request for
proposals to perform a comprehensive review of AASHTO M 180-18 and its
associated AASHTO and ASTM standards. The project will include proposing
revisions to the specifications so that they conform with current requirements
and the state of practice for highway... |
| |
| Open Session: NASEM Assessment of Technologies for Improving Fuel
Economy of Light-Duty Vehicles |
|  | On October 15-16, 2018, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine will host its third study committee
meeting to assess technologies for improving the fuel economy of
light-duty vehicles. The meeting takes place in Detroit, Michigan and is open to
the public; however, participants may also join the meeting...
| |
| Review of U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Stability
Regulations |
|  | On
September 12, 2018, TRB released a letter report that reviews regulations and
policy documents that establish vessel stability requirements for U.S. Flag
vessels. The review, conducted at the request of the U.S. Coast Guard Office of
Design and Engineering Standards, considers options to make and keep stability
requirements current, align them... |
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| Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis |
|  | TRB's
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released a
pre-publication, non-edited version of Research Report 893: Systemic Pedestrian
Safety Analysis. This guidebook provides a safety analysis method that can be
used to proactively identify sites for potential safety improvements based on
specific risk factors for pedestrians. ... |
| |
| Contracting Commuter Rail Services Volume 2: Commuter Rail System
Profiles |
|  | TRB's
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) has released a pre-publication,
non-edited version of Research Report 200: Contracting Commuter Rail Services,
Volume 1: Guidebook. TCRP Research Report 200: Contracting Commuter Rail
Services is a two-volume set that presents guidance on the different approaches
for providing commuter rail service ... |
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| Guidelines for Managing Geotechnical Risks in Design–Build
Projects |
|  | TRB's
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 884:
Guidelines for Managing Geotechnical Risks in Design–Build Projects provides
guidelines for the implementation of geotechnical risk management measures for
design–build project delivery. The
guidelines provide five strategies for aligning a transportation agency and...
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| Airport Waste Management and Recycling Practices |
|  | TRB's
Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 92: Airport Waste
Management and Recycling Practices focuses on airport waste management and
recycling practices that reduce impacts and costs to airports and their
surrounding communities. The information in this study was acquired through a
literature review, survey results from 35...
| |
| Managing Geotechnical Risks in Design–Build Projects
|  | TRB's
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 247: Managing Geotechnical Risks in
Design–Build Projects documents the research effort to produce NCHRP Research
Report 884: Guidelines for Managing Geotechnical Risks in Design–Build
Projects. NCHRP Research Report 884 provides guidelines for the
implementation ... |
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| TRB and Resilience: A Summary of Transportation Research Board
Activities |
|  | A
slideshow summary of the Transportation Research Board's pre- and post-September
11, 2001, transportation security and resilience activities is updated monthly.
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| TRB Security, Emergency Management, and Infrastructure Protection
Research Status Report |
|  | Since
September 11, 2001, more than 200 security-, emergency management-, and
infrastructure protection-related planning and implementation projects have been
initiated through programs managed by TRB. This report, updated monthly,
provides information on more than $30 million worth of completed and ongoing TRB
security-related research. The... |
| |
| Laboratory Performance Testing of Warm-Mix Asphalt Mixtures for
Airport Pavements |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released a report that evaluates
a laboratory rutting performance of warm mix asphalt (WMA) versus hot mix
asphalt (HMA). In many paving projects, WMA has replaced HMA as a means of
reducing environmental impacts. This report seeks to develop guidance for using
WMA for commercial airport pavements. |
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| Test Program for the FAA Accelerated Wheel Load Test Facility to
Develop Specifications for Reclaimed Asphalt Materials in New Asphalt Concrete
Used on Airfield Pavements |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released a report that describes
a study that determines the properties of new asphalt concrete materials and the
practicality of using them on airfields. Many agencies have been using reclaimed
asphalt materials in new concrete mixes due to the cost savings and
environmental benefits, but the... |
| |
| FHWA R&T Now - July/August 2018 |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has released the latest issue of its
Research and Technology (R&T) Now news update. Each issue reports on
research, technology, and development activities taking place within the U.S.
Department of Transportation. This edition features information about:
- Connected vehicles
- The U.S.-Japan...
| |
| Innovator: September/October 2018 |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Highway Administration has released the latest issue of its
bi-monthly Innovator newsletter, which is designed to help advance widespread
implementation of innovations and technologies in the highway community and help
chronicle a nationwide movement to improve the way highways are built. Articles
in this issue feature:
| |
| Systemic Low-Cost Countermeasures for an Unsignalized Intersection
Safety Improvement Plan for Virginia |
|  | The
Virginia Department of Transportation has released a report that develops a
safety improvement plan for unsignalized intersections using systemic low-cost
countermeasures. Determining how and where to focus limited highway safety
resources is an important step in reducing the number of fatal and injury
crashes at unsignalized intersections in... |
| |
| Towards a Smart World: Hazard Levels for Monitoring of Autonomous
Vehicles’ Swarms |
|  | The
Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University has released a
report that explores creating quantifiable indices to monitor the safe
operations and movement of fleets of autonomous vehicles (AV) in restricted
highway-like environments. Specifically, this report focuses on creating ad-hoc
rules for monitoring lateral and... |
| |
| Development of a Freight System Conceptualization and Impact
Assessment (Fre-SCANDIA) Framework |
|  | The
National Center for Sustainable Transportation at the University of California
at Davis has released a report that develops a freight system conceptualization
and impact assessment framework of freight movements in California. The freight
system is a key component of California’s economy, but the freight system is so
complex and multifaceted,... |
| |
| Permeable Pavement Road Map Workshop and Proposed Road Map for
Permeable Pavement |
|  | The
National Center for Sustainable Transportation at the University of California
at Davis has released a report that summarizes a 2017 workshop that identified
gaps in knowledge of permeable pavements. These pavements have the potential to
improve stormwater quality and mitigate flood problems. This report also
discusses the road map for... |
| |
| Strategic Planning and Design for Electric Bus
Systems |
|  | The
Upper Great Plains Institute at North Dakota State University has released a
report that develops a strategic plan for deploying battery electric buses
(BEBs). The recent advancements of BEBs make them a viable replacement for
diesel buses, but challenges remain concerning deploying BEBs and their required
infrastructure. |
| |
| Rural Multimodal Planning: Why and How to Improve Travel Options
in Small Towns and Rural Communities |
|  | The
Victoria Transport Policy Institute in British Columbia, Canada, has released a
report that explores why and how to implement more multimodal planning in rural
areas and small towns. Current trends are increasing demand for non-auto travel
options in rural communities, including aging populations, rising poverty,
growing health and safety... |
| |
| Challenges for Accessibility Planning and Research in the Context
of Sustainable Mobility |
|  | The
International Transport Forum has released a paper that summarizes current
challenges facing accessibility planning and research. This report identifies
the varying definitions of accessibility throughout Europe, discusses different
implementation plans, and addresses to what extent accessibility is implemented
in long-term planning. |
| |
| How the Inaccessibility Index Can Improve Transport Planning and
Investment |
|  | The
International Transport Forum has released a paper that defines an
inaccessibility index which can reveal the diversity of people and their unmet
needs. This paper seeks to acknowledge gaps in current accessibility planning by
highlighting unmet needs related to specific activities and exploring activity
characteristics such as travel time. |
| |
| Delineating a Chinese Emission Control Area: The Potential Impact
of Ship Rerouting on Emissions |
|  | The
International Council on Clean Transportation has released a report that
quantifies emissions reduction potential of possible Emission Control Area (ECA)
scenarios for ships in China’s seas. ECAs are geographic regions designated by
the International Maritime Organization where more stringent emission standards
apply. |
| |
| Lessons Learned on Early Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging
Deployments |
|  | The
International Council on Clean Transportation has released a report that
describes recent developments in fast-charging technology as well as the
distribution across major electric vehicle markets. The report also summarizes
research into the impacts on the electric grid under increasing electric vehicle
demand, and identifies approaches to... |
| |
| Hearing: Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America: Water
Resources Projects and Policy, Part II |
|  | On
September 7, 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation
and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment held a
hearing to receive testimony from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the 2017
and 2018 Reports to Congress on Future Water Resources Development. The hearing
is intended to review the... |
| |
| Hearing: The State of Positive Train Control Implementation in the
United States |
|  | On
September 13, 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on
Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and
Hazardous Materials held a hearing to receive testimony on the status of
implementing positive train control (PTC) on the freight and passenger rail
network. PTC describes technologies designed to...
| |
| The Future Car: Driving a Lifestyle Revolution |
|  | Siemens
has released a report that explores the barriers of making autonomous cars a
reality. This report identifies technical, societal, and governmental hurdles to
implementing autonomous cars in everyday life.
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