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| 2019 TRB Annual Meeting: Mary E. Peters to Receive the Frank
Turner Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Transportation |
|  | Mary
E. Peters is the 2019 recipient of the Frank Turner Medal for Lifetime
Achievement in Transportation. Ms. Peters is former U.S. Secretary of
Transportation, Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration, and
Director of the Arizona Department of Transportation. She is currently principal
of Mary Peters Consulting Group, LLC. The...
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| Contribute to TRB’s Centennial Anniversary
Activities |
|  | TRB
turns 100 on November 11, 2020. To commemorate this milestone, TRB has a
yearlong celebration planned that will begin in January 2020 to recognize and
honor the extraordinary record of achievements accomplished by TRB’s volunteers,
sponsors, affiliates, friends, and staff. Please support TRB's upcoming
centennial anniversary activities by... |
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| Transportation Resilience Innovations Summit and Exchange (RISE)
2018: Hotel Per Diem Rate Ends September 16, 2018 |
|  | TRB
is sponsoring Transportation Resilience Innovations Summit and Exchange (RISE)
2018 on October 9-10, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. Register and reserve hotel rooms
by September 16, 2018 to take advantage of the conference hotel room block at
the per diem rate. This event convenes all 50 state transportation departments
for a unique conference... |
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| Forum on the Impact of Vehicle Technologies and Automation on
Users: Vulnerable Road Users and Driver Behavior &
Performance* |
|  | TRB
is cosponsoring the Forum on the Impact of Vehicle Technologies and Automation
on Users on November 7-9, 2018, in Iowa City, Iowa. This forum is designed to
bring together representatives and experts to discuss and identify research gaps
related to the impact of vehicle technologies and automation. The forum will
also examine the impact of... |
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| IDEA Program Announcement 2018: Funding Proposals Now Being
Accepted |
|  | TRB’s
Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) annual program announcement
solicits funding proposals for the upcoming review cycles. The announcement
explains the IDEA programs, describes the types of eligible projects and their
funding structures, suggests general areas for which IDEA proposals can be
submitted, and provides... |
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| TRB Webinar: Predicting Deformations of Geosynthetic Reinforced
Soil for Bridge Support |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Monday, September 17, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET
that will present design equations for predicting the maximum lateral
deformation and settlement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) under various
configurations and service loads. This webinar will examine both bridge
abutments and reinforced soil foundation for ...
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| TRB Webinar: How to Process AIS Data to Maximize Utility and
Overcome Data Challenges |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Tuesday, September 18, 2018, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
ET that examines how to process large marine vessel automatic identification
system (AIS) datasets in order to maximize their usage. AIS data has evolved
from simple tasks, such as mapping port traffic patterns, to more complex tasks,
such as assessing locations for ... |
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| TRB Webinar: Continuous Access Priced Managed Lanes – What Have We
Learned So Far? |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Thursday, September 20, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
ET that will share case studies from the operations of continuous access priced
managed lane projects in California, Washington, and Minnesota. Continuous
access priced managed lanes, which contain only a dashed-stripe separating the
managed lanes from the general... |
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| TRB Webinar: Guidelines for Resurfacing, Restoration, and
Rehabilitation Projects |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET
that features research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)’s Research Report 876: Guidelines for Integrating Safety and
Cost-Effectiveness into Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R)
Projects. This webinar will present... |
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| TRB Webinar: Static and Seismic Design of Piles for
Downdrag |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Thursday, October 4, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET
that will discuss the fundamental behavior of piles subject to downdrag.
Presenters will discuss utilizing the neutral plane method for evaluating
downdrag in order to understand the design of both static and seismic piles.
Many bridges are constructed in areas... |
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| TRB Webinar: Building a Twenty-First Century Transportation
Planning Workforce |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET
that will discuss the challenges transportation agencies have with attracting,
developing, training, developing and retaining the planning workforce for the
twenty-first century. This webinar will highlight case studies two agencies used
to develop their future... |
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| RFP: Tactile Wayfinding in Transportation Settings for Travelers
Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired |
|  | TRB's
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) has released a request for proposals
to provide guidance for transportation planners, engineers, and orientation and
mobility specialists that will allow for consistency in the design,
installation, and usability of tactile walking surface indicators in multimodal
transportation in the United... |
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| Safety Regulation for Small LPG Distribution Systems |
|  | TRB
Special Report 327: Safety Regulation for Small LPG Distribution Systems
examines the regulatory framework for gas pipeline systems that transport
propane and other types of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for service to 100 or
fewer customers. Most of the more than 12 million households and businesses that
use LPG are on single-customer systems ... |
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| Transit Research Analysis Committee Letter Report: August 24,
2018 |
|  | TRB's
Transit Research Analysis Committee (TRAC) has delivered a letter report to Mr.
Vincent Valdes, Associate Administrator for Research, Demonstration, and
Innovation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The August 24, 2018 report
describes the committee’s understanding of the Strategic Transit Automation
Research (STAR) Plan and provides... |
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| Legal Considerations in the Funding and Development of Intermodal
Facilities at Airports |
|  | TRB's
Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Legal Research Digest 35: Legal
Considerations in the Funding and Development of Intermodal Facilities at
Airports provides background on multimodal or intermodal facilities, funding
challenges, and a review of the guidance and decisions the Federal Aviation
Administration has made pertaining to... |
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| Transportation Emergency Response Application (TERA) Support
Materials for Airport EOC Exercises |
|  | TRB's
Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Research Report 187: Transportation
Emergency Response Application (TERA) Support Materials for Airport EOC
Exercises provides tools for airport staff tasked with planning, coordinating,
and facilitating a functional Emergency Operations Center (EOC) exercise. The
report guides airport staff in... |
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| Relationships of Laboratory Mixture Aging to Asphalt Mixture
Performance |
|  | TRB's
E-Circular 234: Relationships of Laboratory Mixture Aging to Asphalt Mixture
Performance summarizes the results from TRB Session 462: Relationship of
Laboratory Mix Aging to Asphalt Mixture Performance, which was held during the
2016 TRB Annual Meeting. This circular includes four papers on addressing
laboratory mix aging and explore... |
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| Design Guide for Low-Speed Multimodal Roadways |
|  | TRB's
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 880:
Design Guide for Low-Speed Multimodal Roadways provides best practice guidance
by referencing a range of acceptable elements, criteria, and values for critical
dimensions for design of low- to intermediate-speed roadways with a mix of
users. The report assists... |
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| Glossary of Transportation Construction Quality Assurance Terms:
Seventh Edition |
|  | TRB's
E-Circular 235: Glossary of Transportation Construction Quality Assurance Terms:
Seventh Edition contains common terms and accepted practice in transportation
construction quality assurance terminology. Transportation construction quality
assurance (QA), like many other specialized subject areas, has its own unique
language containing... |
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| Impact of Initial Density on Strength-Deformation Characteristics
of Open-Graded Aggregates |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has released a report that
investigates the strength-deformation characteristics of open-graded aggregates
(OGAs) under common conditions in the field. OGAs are often used as structural
backfill materials for retaining walls, bridge foundations, and pavement bases
because of their engineering... |
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| Characterizing Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer Damage for
Mechanistic Pavement Rehabilitation Design |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has released a report that analyzes
the use of deflection-basin data to determine the in-place structural condition
of asphalt concrete (AC) layers. Deflection basins are used to backcalculate the
elasticlayer modulus of existing AC layers, which are considered input level 1
for rehabilitation designs. |
| |
| Understanding the Splitting and Bursting Failure of Concrete
Crossties |
|  | The
Bureau of Transportation Statistics has released a report that determines the
contributing factors of splitting and bursting failures observed in pretensioned
concrete crossties. The goal of this report is to help improve the industry
standard and practice in making concrete ties, which may lead to safer railroad
tracks. |
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| TIGER II Urban Circulator Impact Assessment |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has released a report that evaluates
five systems that received Transportation Investment Generating Economic
Recovery (TIGER) grants and other federal funds. This report estimates TIGER
grants’ impacts on property values, changes in business and employment growth,
and impacts on household job... |
| |
| Transit Safety and Oversight Spotlight: August 2018 |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has released its monthly newsletter
about the latest transit safety issues. This edition features information about:
- Upcoming live and digital safety training sessions
- Connected vehicle warning light system
- FTA emergency response guide for bus transit
| |
| Software for Load Distribution on Low-Fill Box Culverts: User’s
Manual |
|  | The
Kansas Department of Transportation has released a report that describes
software developed based on the simplified methods for load distribution on box
culverts. The software aims to help the user calculate the magnitude and
dimension of the distributed stress on the top of the culvert due to truck
loading on a pavement. |
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| Impact of Water/ Cementitious-Based Concrete Mix Design
Specification Changes on Concrete Pavement Quality |
|  | The
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has released a report that
investigates the impact of MnDOT implementing a water/cementitious-based
specification for concrete pavements. This report identifies the difference in
concrete properties resulting from changes in concrete mixture designs driven by
changes in MnDOT construction... |
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| Housing the Next Million New Yorkers Near Transit |
|  | The
Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management at New York University has
released a report that explores how growth and transit investment have been
linked in the past, and how they can be linked today and for future planning.
This report maintains that there is a need to accommodate transit capacity
issues as New York City considers... |
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| Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Traffic Hazard Forecasting
Model |
|  | The
Upper Great Plains Institute at North Dakota State University has released a
report that analyzes several highway rail grade crossing crash predicting models
and contributing factors. Traffic crashes at highway-rail crossings are often
catastrophic, and can include fatalities, injuries, extensive property damage,
and delays in both railway and ... |
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| Development of Driver Assistance Systems to Support Snowplow
Operations |
|  | The
Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota has released a
report that evaluates the performance and position accuracy of driver assist
systems for plowing. Snowplow operators are often tasked with numerous
monitoring and operational activities that happen simultaneously in order to
remove snow and spread deicing agents on ...
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| Modeling Bicyclist Exposure to Risk and Crash Risk: Some
Exploratory Studies |
|  | The
Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota has released a
report that presents models for estimating bicyclist exposure to crash risk.
This report provides approaches that may be used in planning-level studies,
which require consistent measures of risk. |
| |
| Data-Driven Health Management of Electrical Vehicle Battery
Systems |
|  | The
Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University has released a report that
develops a new battery health management system to prevent failures of battery
systems for electric and hybrid vehicles. This report also develops an onboard
diagnostics tool and alarm system for early awareness of these potential
impending failures. |
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| Transport Planning With Accessibility Indices in the
Netherlands |
|  | The
International Transport Forum has released a report that summarizes different
perspectives and approaches to measuring accessibility, reviews the strengths
and weaknesses of different accessibility indicators, and describes the use of
accessibility indicators in the Dutch policy and planning practice.
Accessibility is a critical component of... |
| |
| Beyond Road Vehicles: Survey of Zero-Emission Technology Options
Across the Transport Sector |
|  | The
International Council on Clean Transportation has released a report that
investigates recent research and ongoing projects to assess the potential of
zero-emission technologies in aviation, maritime, off-road, and rail
transportation. Zero-emission technologies, including plug-in electric vehicles
and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, are already...
| |
| China’s Stage VI Emission Standard for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (Final
Rule) |
|  | The
International Council on Clean Transportation has released a report that
provides details about the final rule for China VI emission standards. This rule
will begin to take effect in July 2019 for new gas-powered heavy-duty vehicles.
| |
| Harmonisation of Pavement Markings and National Pavement Marking
Specifications |
|  | Austroads
has released a report that summarizes a project undertaken to achieve national
harmonization through the development of performance specifications and criteria
for pavement markings. This project investigated longitudinal and transverse
linemarking types and widths used by different road agencies as well as road
agency pavement marking... |
| |
| World Transit Research Newsletter: August 2018 |
|  | The
Institute of Transport Studies at Monash University has released the latest
issue of its bimonthly newsletter, which is designed to highlight recently added
items to the World Transit Research database. This edition features research on
planning, ridership, economics, and more. |
| |
| Carbon Standards Examined: A Comparison of At-the-Source and
Beyond-the-Source Power Plant Carbon Standards |
|  | Resources
for the Future has released a report that analyzes national changes in emissions
to examine the underlying drivers of recent emissions changes and to estimate
the contribution of a potential rebound effect. This report was conducted in
response to the proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
| |
| Hearing: Innovation in Surface Transportation |
|  | On
September 5, 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation
and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit held a hearing to
receive updates from non-federal partners regarding the various kinds of
innovations used in surface transportation. Through federal funding, these
communities have invested in intelligent... |
| |
| Hearing: Airspace Integration of New Aircraft |
|  | On
September 6, 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation
and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation held a hearing to explore issues
related to the integration of new aircraft into the National Airspace System.
Recent technological advances have led to the emergence of new types of aircraft
that are expected to... |
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