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| 7th International Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling (ITM) - Early Bird Registration Rates End April 24 |
|  | TRB
is sponsoring the 7th International Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling
(ITM) on June 24-27, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference explores current
models and modeling research. Participants will explore the integration of
social, land-use, transportation supply and technology into the model process.
The conference addresses how... |
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| Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration Committee Summer
Conference |
|  | TRB
is sponsoring the Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration Committee Summer
Conference on June 25-27, 2018 in Washington, DC. The conference will address
transportation-related noise and vibration control strategies and techniques,
their potential environmental impacts, and future research needs. Early bird
registration rates end April 25,... |
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| 2018 Annual Conference of the Florida Association of Environmental
Professionals (FAEP)* |
|  | TRB
is cosponsoring the Annual Conference of the Florida Association of
Environmental Professionals in September 19-21, 2018 in Orlando, FL. The
conference brings together over 300 policy-makers, project managers, planners,
designers, and scientists in the environmental and transportation sectors to
identify new opportunities to better integrate...
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| 23rd National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus
Transportation |
|  | TRB
is sponsoring the 23rd National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus
Transportation on September 30-October 2, 2018 in Breckenridge, Colorado. The
conference will explore practices and showcase research in rural public and
intercity bus transportation. The conference includes pre-conference training,
plenary sessions, roundtables, 30... |
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| TRB Webinar: Design Guidelines for Bridges Subjected to Light Rail
Transit Loads |
|  | TRB will conduct a webinar on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
ET that features research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)’s Research Report 851: Proposed AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications for Light Rail Transit Loads. This webinar will describe the behavior of light rail transit bridges,
live... |
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| TRB Webinar: Technology Changes Influencing the Decline of Vehicle
Emissions |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET
that will highlight emerging technologies and programs that are designed to
mitigate emissions from vehicles. Presenters will discuss hybrid-electric and
fully electric vehicles, connected and autonomous vehicles, and the U.S. Federal
Highway Administration’s... |
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| TRB Webinar: Generating Revenue from Commercial Development On or
Adjacent to Airports |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Thursday, April 26, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET
that features research from the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP)’s Research Report 176: Generating Revenue from Commercial
Developments on or Adjacent to Airports. This webinar will identify the
challenges and opportunities that developing land on or...
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| TRB Webinar: Practices for Establishing Contract Time for Highway
Projects |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Thursday, May 10, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET that
features research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)’s
Research Report 402: Construction Manager-at-Risk Project Delivery for
Highway Programs and Synthesis 502: Practices for
Establishing Contract Completion Dates for Highway...
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| TRB Webinar: Who’s Riding TNCs and What Does It Mean for Public
Agencies? |
|  | TRB
will conduct a webinar on Tuesday, May 15 2018, from 2:00PM to 3:30PM ET that
features research from the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)’s Research Report 195: Broadening Understanding of the Interplay
Between Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and Personal Automobiles. This research
explores how transportation network companies...
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| RFP: Guidance for Employer-Based Behavioral Traffic Safety
Programs for Drivers in the Workplace |
|  | TRB's
Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP) has released a
request for proposals to develop guidance for U.S. and international
employer-based behavioral traffic safety programs for workers who operate motor
vehicles for any part of their job duties. Proposals are due May 30, 2018.
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| Truck Size and Weight Limits Research Plan Committee: First
Report: Candidate Research Topics; Framework for Setting
Priorities |
|  | TRB's
Truck Size and Weight Limits Research Plan Committee has issued an interim
letter report that explores the development of a research plan to reduce
uncertainties in estimates of the impacts of changes in truck size and weight
limits. The report summarizes the research recommendations of past truck size
and weight limit studies, presents... |
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| Automated Vehicles Symposium 2017: Summary of a
Symposium |
|  | TRB's
E-Circular 232: Automated Vehicle Symposium 2017: Summary of a Symposium
highlights the themes from an event that took place on July 11–13, 2017 in San
Francisco, California. The event explored the development, testing, building,
and deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs). The 2017 AVS provided the
opportunity for communication,... |
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| ADA Paratransit Service Models |
|  | TRB's
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 135: ADA Paratransit
Service Models provides information about current Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) compliant paratransit service models and the underlying reasons why
specific transit agencies have opted to keep or change their service model. ADA
paratransit demand continues to... |
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| Spot Painting to Extend Highway Bridge Coating Life: Volume 1:
Guidance |
|  | TRB's
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 251:
Spot Painting to Extend Highway Bridge Coating Life: Volume 1: Guidance provides
approaches for employing spot painting in a cost-effective, safe, and
environmentally compliant manner. Bridge coatings are the primary means of
corrosion protection for steel bridges... |
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| Spot Painting to Extend Highway Bridge Coating Life: Volume 2:
Research Overview |
|  | TRB's
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 251:
Spot Painting to Extend Highway Bridge Coating Life: Volume 1: documents the
evaluation method for a guidance document that provides approaches for employing
spot painting in a cost-effective, safe, and environmentally compliant manner.
Bridge coatings are the... |
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| TR News November-October 2017: Reenvisioning New York's Legendary
Bus Terminal |
|  | The
full edition of the November–December 2017 TR News is now available. This
edition explores a design competition to re-envision the essential
transportation facility. It also follows up on the innovations presented by
participants in the TRB Six-Minute Pitch Competition since 2013 and finds
inspiring successes. Other articles describe policy...
| |
| Overview of Rail Safety Oversight |
|  | The
U.S. Government Accountability Office has released a report that reviews various
rail safety and oversight issues, including the differences between the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA)’s and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)’s
rail safety oversight programs. This report examines key characteristics of
FRA’s and FTA’s rail safety... |
| |
| Charging Electric Vehicles in Smart Cities: An EVI-Pro Analysis of
Columbus, Ohio |
|  | The
National Renewable Energy Laboratory at the U.S. Department of Energy has
released a report that offers guidance about plug-in electric vehicle (PEV)
charging infrastructure to stakeholders in the Columbus area. This report seeks
to ensure the effective use of private/public investments in PEV charging
infrastructure. In 2016, the City of... |
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| Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology Evaluation
Final Report: Eco-Logical |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has released a report that examines
the outcomes of the FHWA Eco-Logical Program. The Eco-Logical program offers
multi-step procedures to conduct integrated planning and avoid, minimize, and
mitigate negative environmental impacts. |
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| Safety Evaluation of Corner Clearance at Signalized
Intersections |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Highway Administration has released a technical brief that analyzes
corner clearance at signalized intersections. Corner clearance is defined as the
distance between an intersection and the nearest driveway or access point along
the approach. |
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| Comprehensive Review Guide for Triennial and State Management
Reviews Fiscal Year 2018 |
|  | The
U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has released a report that summarizes
recipient management practices and compliance with program and administrative
requirements across a broad spectrum of topic areas in accordance with Chapter
53 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. This report also
provides an opportunity for... |
| |
| Impacts of Bus Stop Improvements |
|  | The
Utah Department of Transportation has released a report that analyzes recent bus
stop improvements made by the Utah Transit Authority. This report seeks to
determine to what extent these improvements are associated with changes in
ridership and demand for paratransit services in the areas immediately
surrounding improved bus stops. |
| |
| Infiltration Basins: Standards and Procedures to Ensure
Performance |
|  | The
Minnesota Department of Transportation has released a synthesis that highlights
practices of other state transportation agencies for the planning, design, and
construction of infiltration basins. Infiltration basins have been a common
means of stormwater management across the United States, as well as
internationally, but they can incur high... |
| |
| In-Vehicle Dynamic Curve-Speed Warnings at High-Risk Rural
Curves |
|  | The
Minnesota Department of Transportation has released a report that determines the
feasibility of in-vehicle dynamic curve-speed warnings as deployed on a
smartphone app. Lane-departure crashes at horizontal curves represent a
significant portion of fatal crashes on rural Minnesota roads.
| |
| Reliable Early Opening Strength for Concrete Pavements and Patch
Work |
|  | The
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development has released a report
that reviews practices and requirements for early-opening-to-traffic concrete
used by other state transportation agencies. The requirements for opening
concrete pavement repairs to traffic vary greatly around the country, including
traffic opening requirements,... |
| |
| Resale Values of Electric and Conventional Vehicles: Recent Trends
and Influence on the Decision to Purchase a New Vehicle |
|  | The
University of Michigan has released a report that investigates the effect of
resale value on consumer purchasing decisions regarding plug-in electric
vehicles (PEVs). This report focuses on comparing the resale value of PEVs and
comparable internal-combustion-engine vehicles, and determines consumer opinions
regarding the importance of vehicle ... |
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| Evaluation of the Valley Transportation Authority’s DO IT!
Program: A “Ladders of Opportunity Initiative” Program Funded by the Federal
Transit Administration |
|  | The
Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University has released a
report that evaluates the “Do It!" Program. The Federal Transit Administration
sponsored the Ladders of Opportunity Initiative to encourage skilled workers
from targeted groups, including the underserved, underemployed, and/or minority
groups, into transit-oriented... |
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| Development of Pavement Performance Prediction Models for
Preservation Treatments: Volume |
|  | The
Illinois Center for Transportation at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign has released a report that evaluates the performance of
preservation treatments used by districts as part of the pavement preservation
program. The pavement preservation program was implemented in Illinois by
testing four different types of preservation...
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| Revised Condition Rating Survey Models to Reflect All Distresses:
Volume 1 |
|  | The
Illinois Center for Transportation at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign has released a report that updates and revises the existing
condition rating survey (CRS) calculation and prediction models for pavement
performance. This report focuses on the CRS system used by the Illinois
Department of Transportation and compares it to...
| |
| Development of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Pile Capacity and
Stability in Response to Scour Situations |
|  | The
Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University has released a report that
validates the finite element models established for steel H-piles with or
without concrete encasements. These models have been calculated based on the
provisions outlined in the American Institute of Steel Construction Manual.
| |
| Best Practice in Road Safety Infrastructure Programs
|  | Austroads
has released a report that identifies recommended practices for developing Road
Safety Infrastructure Programs that align with the safe system approach. The
goal of this report is to provide practical information about improving program
design, process, and implementation of a safer transportation system. The report
is available for no... |
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| Comparison of Fuel Consumption and Emissions for Representative
Heavy-Duty Vehicles in Europe |
|  | The
International Council on Clean Transportation has released a report that
determines typical fuel consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) figures from
current European heavy-duty vehicle technology. The goal of this report is to
support decision makers in the designation of baseline values for future CO2
emission limits. |
| |
| Position Available: Executive Director, WTS
International |
|  | The
Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) is seeking to fill the position of
Executive Director. The Executive Director will shape and communicate a
professional image for the Association and Foundation. WTS International is
headquartered in Washington, DC and has chapters all over the world. For more
information, contact Christopher Boylan at |
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